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Votong’s Fantastic Top

A huge top was hurled into the air and before long the spinning top had loosened the earth so the Amis people could plant crops. They knew that Votong, the inventor of this marvelous top, was no ordinary person. From Votong the Amis learned the ways of cultivation, ceremony, and social custom. These customs and traditions were passed down from generation to generation.


Vay-Rovas and the Sea Spirit

Cisiringan was so beautiful that she attracted even the attentions of the Sea Sprit. In fact the Sea Spirit was so moved by her beauty that he demanded that she be his wife. And he threatened that unless the Amis agreed to turn her over to him he would bring floods to all of their lands. Cisiringan’s mother, Vay-Rovas, could not accept having her dear daughter taken from her like this. Walking stick in hand, she set out to the south to find the Sea Spirit and her stolen daughter.


Alikakay the Giant Child Eater

Alikakay was a giant who’s size terrified the Amis. He also had magic power and liked to cast harmful spells on the Amis. The Amis formed a group of warriors guided by the Sea Spirit. They vanquished Alikakay. Every year the Amis perform a ceremony to show their gratitude to the Sea Spirit for help in defeating Alikakay. The Amis’ rigorous physical training for their young people is also a way of honoring the Sea Spirit.


Maciwciw’s Visit to the Land Without Men

After days of sleeping Maciwciw was startled to awaken and find himself surrounded by women! Even more shocking was that they planned to fatten him up and eat him! Luckily, a sympathetic young girl and a great whale helped him escape. After he got home he went to the sea every year to pay tribute to the young women and the great whale.


Story of the Crabman

Never before had anyone seen such a person. He was no larger than a child, and while he had the body of a human, his head was like that of a crab. His parents not only did not abandon him, they also helped him to find a wife. One day the “Crabman” suddenly transformed into a tall and handsome man. The family always gave thanks to the spirits for giving them a normal life, and to this day the special genes have been carried down from generation to generation of the Amis.











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